- 相談事例

While it is a pleasure to be involved in the creation of such high value products, both Japanese and Western, we also want to be able to help our clients and their customers get closer to their intentions.
On this page, we would like to share with you some of the projects we have been involved in and how we have provided them in response to our customers’ requests.
~Nagoya castle Reproduction work for Scenic Ninomaru Japanese Garden~
We will be repairing and restoring the garden. I would like to recreate the appearance of the garden as it was about 400 years ago. Is it possible to recreate it using materials from that time?
対応・解決(Response and resolution)

We traced the footsteps of the quarry from the stone names listed in ancient documents.Anyway, we think it is the most important to go to the site.Because the answer always starts with knowing the site.Even if the quarry is closed, try to hypothesize how the stone is used locally, and if it is closely related to daily life, the gemstone may still exist. is needed. For that reason, I need to go to the site where it was mined.We were started by asking the local stone vendors for their opinions.When we started from such an action, we found a place where tuff stone was produced on the Chita Peninsula.All you have to do now is decide what to do with the process.Since we have a budget, we asked a processor closer to the Chita Peninsula for the desired processing. In this case, it is a masonry from Okazaki.
However, the requests from very famous supervisors were so strict, and it seems that the distance from there was more difficult. we think this is all thanks to the masonries of Ena and Okazaki.We are grateful that I was able to show it to everyone because I was able to reproduce the state close to 400 years ago through such a process.
~Private home renovation, compare with tile and marble~
We would like to use large ceramic tiles or natural stone marble for the wall next to the kitchen counter. Which is better?
対応・解決(Response and resolution)

Real stones and printed tiles have a completely different finish.Compared to inorganic ceramic tiles, stones allow natural light to pass through and reflect, so even if both are the same category of inorganic material, A natural stone will look different depending on the angle and amount of light. Since it is made of a mixture of various minerals, it has a different merit from ceramic products.The marbles has sense of luxury comes from such a reason.
~Interior of famous brand store in Tokyo~
There is a designation of a product that is not in stock in Japan, and processing is difficult. Is it possible to supply them all to us?
対応・解決(Response and resolution)

We need time to find your requested stone, It will take about 3-4 days.We will negotiate with the quarry or stocking the gemstone to provide samples.We would like to take about a week to talk about the availability of the product and submit the quotation.Ultimately, we can supply it, if you give us a detailed construction drawing. First of all, please tell us the quantity and surface finish.We were the only company that was able to supply designated stone materials that could not be found by any domestic stone suppliers.
~Private residence proposal and construction~
I’d like to have the passage of private residence paved with solidify soil, can you do it?
対応・解決(Response and resolution)

邸宅のオーナー様は竹が気に入っているようでしたので、 古風な建物には似合わないアルミの手すりから、竹の手すりへと変更するのはいかがでしょうかと提案しました。竹でも保護剤を使うことで約10年は保てると思われ、 保護材を使わない場合は、早くて2~3年で交換する必要があるかもしれません。という説明も行い、土系舗装にくわえて青竹製の手すりを施工しました。
We will give you a quote after the site survey.The owner loving bamboo. We supposed to Aluminum railings don’t look good on old-fashioned buildings, so why not install bamboo hand-railings?We don’t think it will decay for about 10 years more, if you apply a protective paint. If you do not want it, it may be necessary to replace in 2-3 years at the earliest.As a result, we constructed a green bamboo handrail on the solidify soil pavement.
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